Elevate Your Digital Impact

Tech Strategy & Cohesive Design Services

Tech + Design = Pure Power

Okay, so I might be a liiiittle bit biased but hear me out. In this day and age an effective online presence and set up can make or break your business (and your sanity - wink, wink).

floral arrangement on desk with laptop

You deserve excellence

…and so does your business.

When tech and design work together, they create a winning team that boosts your brand and connects better with your audience. Tech makes things work smoothly, while design makes them stand out and easy to use.

cheers-ing with a glass of champagne

Together, they're a powerful combo that sets you apart and pushes your business ahead, especially in a digital-first world where first impressions count.

Sara blurred walking quickly holding laptop at side

top down view of keyboard on laptop and cute champgne earrings
  • Branding should be maintained across websites & other platforms (eg., email marketing, social media, etc.)

  • Clear organization promotes easy navigation and maximizes the ability to easily understand what is offered

  • Like a visual storyteller, good design execution effectively conveys a brand's identity and values.

  • Strategically placed prompts guide users to take desired actions.

Design Should:

Tech Should:

  • Client experience is enhanced greatly by seamless, clear & timely communication and delivery of products or services.

  • Setting up the backend of an online business to automate time consuming and repetitive tasks creates more time to focus on revenue-generating activities.

    That my friend, that is a. game. changer.

  • Unlock new opportunities, expand market reach, improve operations and employ data driven strategies.

  • … not against you. Attention to details is key to ensure a properly functioning user experience.

The results? A brand that is reliable & trustworthy, demonstrates a commitment to excellence and fosters lasting connections with a positive reputation.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s enhance your digital footprint - whether its tech, design, or the power combo of both! - and maximize the possibilities for your business.

Work With Me

Sara sitting at desk on computer typing


Ideal for online course creators, coaches or small business owners. Add-ons available.

Sara sitting in light brown chair looking down at laptop in lap


Take the tech off your plate so you can focus on content, marketing & delivery of your summit.

Sara writing in notebook


Let’s connect and automate your business. Audit, strategy &/or implementation.

Cluster of blue stars in corner
Sara sitting on edge of desk in front of computer smiling

Hey there! I’m Sara

Wife, Mom, Exercise Enthusiast…Tech Geek?!

I know you may just be meeting me, but no one is more surprised at this addition to my "titles" than I am.

I've always known that I belonged in a role where I could help people, but if you had told me that would involve tech work I would have said “that’s crazy”!

I worked almost a decade in healthcare as a Speech-Language Pathologist. I loved helping people and the daily challenges that allowed me to use my problem solving and creative skills, as well as, collaborating with other professionals on my team.

Fast forward past the birth of my second child and COVID, I began to look for new career options. Long story short I fell into the world of tech and I. am. obsessed.

Tech set-ups and automations combined with design aspects of building websites and funnels??? Yes, please! Wait, what? That’s not your jam?? Ok, we should talk…

Kind Words

“Working with Sara has truly changed my business and helped me scale with efficiency….

I initially hired Sara for a limited number of hours to support me with tech setup for my online summit. She quickly became a valuable part of my team as she was able to learn new platforms with no issues, set up and automate systems and even plan for potential issues that could occur and set up processes to solve them. She is meticulous, organized and always willing to talk through new tasks. She is honest, dependable and I am so grateful for helping me so much with my business.”

Bail Ansari, Just One More Project